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- For each seminar participation, you earn 30 points.

- Every 10 points gives you a €1 discount on your next participation.

Adult Program - Workshops 2024

Environment designed to welcome adults in small group settings.


Ceramics classes are for both beginners and advanced students.

The student will be taught the basic techniques of ceramic art such as pinching, coil and slab.

18/5 Saturday 11:00-12:00 | Construction & decoration | Duration 1 hour
- Introduction to clay with the sheet construction technique.
- Presentation of various results we can achieve with this technique.
- Design & manufacture of jewelry and their decoration.

The studio undertakes the glazing and firing of your ceramics. Completes your jewelry with hoops (steel gold plated) & neck cord.
The ceramics are fired with the glaze at 1020°C.  

2nd appointment: after about 30 days for receipt.
Students are required to receive their items within 2 weeks of their completion.

. Workshop for Mother's Day 1st section 11:00-12:00

Worskshop for Mother's Day | Mom and daughter will make ceramic jewelry

​​Cost of seminar 40€/ Mother & child

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1.Valentine's Ceramics Workshop for couples

Valentine's Ceramics Workshop for Couples | I'm making a ceramic mug for my partner | All levels

​​Cost of seminar €80/pair

3. Φτιάχνω κεραμική κανάτα με πηλό τερακόττας

Σάββατο 22 Φεβρουαρίου 11:00-13:30

​​Κόστος σεμιναρίου 40€

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4. Σεμινάριο κεραμικής: Φτιάχνω και βάφω κεραμική κατασκευή (κούπα/μπολ/τασάκι)

Σάββατο 15 Μαρτίου 11:00-14:30

​​Κόστος σεμιναρίου 50€

18/5 Saturday 12:45-13:45 | Construction & decoration | Duration 1 hour 
- Introduction to clay with the sheet construction technique.
- Presentation of various results we can achieve with this technique.
- Design & manufacture of jewelry and their decoration.

The studio undertakes the glazing and firing of your ceramics. Completes your jewelry with hoops (steel gold plated) & neck cord.
The ceramics are fired with the glaze at 1020°C.  

2nd appointment: after about 30 days for receipt.
Students are required to receive their items within 2 weeks of their completion.

6. Workshop for Mother's Day 2nd section 12:45-13:45

Worskshop for Mother's Day | Mom and daughter will make ceramic jewelry

​​Cost of seminar 40€/ Mother & child

Book your seat

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